Peripheral Neuropathy • OC Integrative Health
Call (949) 859-5192 or Contact Us to Request an Appointment

Peripheral Neuropathy in Lake Forest, CA
Dr. Greg Olsen • Since 1994

Peripheral Neuropathy in Lake Forest, CA: The challenge with suffering with peripheral neuropathy is that most of your traditional medical treatment is only focused on treating the symptoms which essentially results in those nerves that are in your feet and legs or hands and arms will continue to deteriorate and get worse, so…. If you are struggling with peripheral neuropathy and feeling frustrated with traditional pill-for-an-ill treatments that only address symptoms, you’re not alone.

At OC Integrative Health, we understand the toll that the pain, burning, and numbness can take on your quality of life.

We know that finding the root cause of your peripheral neuropathy and that creating an effective and personalized treatment plan that helps you not just manage the symptoms, but also heal and restore function is the foundation of our treatment programs. Don’t let peripheral neuropathy control your life – take control with integrative health care that works.

Learn more or schedule your appointment for
Peripheral Neuropathy

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Dr. Olsen really cares about your well-being and health. He has a variety of different methods in improving quality of life. Not only is he knowledgeable and how the body works, he has a common sense approach to health. Thanks Dr. Olsen.
Jack T.
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